Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Pearl Bracelet

For Christmas my parents gave me a pearl necklace. Mom has decided to give us jewelry each Christmas, sort of as a legacy. They also gave me a pearl bracelet. I wore my pearls today. Mom and I work at the school together so I wanted to make sure that she saw I was wearing them. She only works part time there you see. I'm glad she was there because when she saw me wearing them and told me that the bracelet had been my grandmother's, her mom's.

It just upped the specialness a thousand fold. They already had the special factor because they were from my parents. My sister said we need onyx next year, by the way.

My Nanny died ten years ago, you see. I loved her beyond abandon. Since she's been gone, I feel as if she is my guardian angel. As I mentioned in my last post, I love to talk. One more person for me to talk to, it doesn't seem so strange to talk to a guardian angel as opposed to just talking to yourself. Anywho, (that's my word for a while) I so appreciated that, having a part of my nanny. The old and the new pearls look great together.

My Nanny was a very wise woman. Don't they sometimes equate wisdom with pearls? Well, maybe some of her wisdom will rub off on me.

"Tune your ears to wisdom,and concentrate on understanding." Proverbs 2:2

God Bless!

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