Wednesday, July 29, 2009


A couple of weeks ago we took a group of youth to Glorieta, New Mexico for CentriFuge. It was an amazing trip which I will fill in later.

Just some quick thoughts:
  • The devil worked overtime to try and squash the amazing things that God had planned. We stood firm and it didn't work.
  • Praying for things by name, being incredibly specific, works. We lifted up some very specific prayer requests and not one of them was left unanswered. We must have the faith to ask using specifics.
  • You must watch what you are saying and how you saying because you never know how someone is going to take it. When there is an overload of stress and people are tired, emotions get confusing and fuses get short. The devil will always keep working.

Just Call Me Switzerland

Just in case you didn't know it already, raising teenagers is a tough job. Keeping the peace is not easy. Helping them develop into responsible adults is not easy. Encouraging them to make the right choices is not easy. Being there for them when they are angry, hurt or confused is not easy. Understanding their feelings is not easy. But the end result is worth it.

Son: "Mom, I thought you said you were Switzerland."
Mom: "I did."
Son: "Switzerland kept her opinions to herself."
Mom: "I don't think so. Just because Switzerland remained neutral didn't mean she had no
opinion about the various sides. It simply meant that she refused to choose sides."

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7