Sunday, February 15, 2009

"In Jesus Name"

Well, it's a new week. Sometimes I don't take the time to blog because I want to do something specific with my blog. You know a meme or activity or something. Sometimes I don't blog because I'm tired. Then I get behind.

Oh, well . . .

This Sunday morning the lesson was on "Praying in Jesus Name."

I never really thought about the fact that I always end my prayers with, "In Jesus' name."

We talked ahout the reasons for going before God and using His son's name.

One of the reasons was to establish resonance. To align our beliefs. To become unified.

Also, when we pray in Jesus' name He appreciates that we know His son. I likened this for the girls to my own sons. When I was studying the material I had an epiphany. If I didn't know you and you needed something from me I don't know whether I'd give you much time or be likely to even listen. On the other hand, if I didn't know you but you came to me and told me you were a friend of J or Rus, I'd stop what I was doing and listen.

I explained to the girls that a child is a part of their parent's heart. If you are a friend of my child, I look at you much differently than if you were a random stranger. It is a connection and a powerful one. It's the same way when we go to God using His son's name.

It just seems natural to use the phrase "in Jesus name".

As I was studying I started reading more about it. There have actually been people fired for saying prayer and using the phrase, "In Jesus name."

I guess we only have religous freedom when it is convenient to other people. When other people aren't offended.

Guess again, people, guess again. My Jesus died for my sins. My Jesus told me in John 14 to pray in His name. My Jesus said do it. That's all there is to it. Just do it!

That being said:

Daddy God I come to you to pray for our nation. It was founded on religous freedom yet that is being taken away from us. Father God just be with us as a nation. Be with each Christian and give them the power to stand up for their beliefs. Be with me and help me stand for my beliefs.

Daddy God, be with my girls at West Brook who are having a hard time in their English class. The teacher has decided that "Evolution" would be a great hot topic for discussion. They have asked for prayers because this teacher is making it very hard for them, he is questioning them about their religion and making them uncomfortable.

As I told them today, comfort isn't always a necessity. We have to step out of our comfort zone and stand tall and stand firm. I know that satan is going after them.

We just returned from an amazing time in Your presence, Father, and he's not happy. Lay your all powerful hand on my precious angels and give them strength and peace. Wrap them in you powerful love and bind satan from their presence.

In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Take that satan, take that.

If someone somewhere has run across my blog and is offended, I don't apologize. This is my little piece of the web and God is present here. All I have to say is: "Don't let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya!


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