Friday, May 29, 2009

Bonnini Strikes Again

I don't know what is going on with Miss Bonnie the Breakout Puppy. A couple of weeks ago she figured out how to move the doggy gate enough to let herself and Ringo out. She noses it away from the wall and they slip out leaving poor Boonie behind.

The first time I noticed her doing it was a Saturday morning. I could hear little feet pitter pattering on the floor outside of my door and thought the boys were up. I bellowed for them to let the puppies out and they just ignored me. That didn't make me happy because it was a little after 7 and the last thing I wanted to do was get up. Well, pups kept scratching on my door and I tried invain to ignore them. Even tried yelling for the boys again.

Finally, against my better judgement and with a real mad on, I got up to let them out and to have a gripefest at the boy-os. To my utter shock and amazement they were both still asleep. Well, that let them out, and I knew I didn't do it so it must be hubby's fault, right, I mean I have to blame it on someone. Luckily, before I put my foot in my mouth (a rare occasion I assure you), I headed into the kitchen 'cause I realized Boonie wasn't around. He was still laying on the blanket looking at me in exasperation. Then I noticed the gate pushed open a bit. It clicked in my brain, seeing as how I am sharper than a tack, Bonnie Marie had become an escape artist after I went to bed the night before.

I have to admit, I found it a bit funny and actually was a teeny tiny bit in awe of her amazing abilities. That changed that night when I put them up. I talked to her about the importance of staying in the right area and she looked at me with such smart doggie eyes I knew she understood. Yeah, right, she's a dog, albeit a smart one, but a dog none the less. I get myself comfy and go to bed (now mind you this was the weekend after the wreck and I was quite achey).

Not five minutes after I've gone to bed did I hear the telltale sound of little doggy feet and I swear I could hear doggy giggles. Really, I'm not kidding. Seriously. Anywho, I got my achey body up and griped at the pups and put them back up. With Boonie looking on in exasperation, yet again, he was trying to sleep after all, I put pups back up, put a box full of books in front of the gate to dissuade her exiting again and in my best stern teacher voice said, "Bonnie Marie, you better stop that nonsense and go to sleep."

I just knew that would take care of it, I've stopped many a kid in their tracks with that same voice, surely it would work on a dog, right? As I headed to my room, I chanced a look back and there she was smirking at me, who knew a dog could smirk, but I'm here to tell you, that is what she was doing. Anyway, I climb my achey bones back into bed and get comfy and start reading my book. Five minutes pass and I hear nothing. "Yes!" I think to myself, "I did it!"

Guess you know where this is going, eh? Next thing I know right after I turn out my light and close my eyes I hear little doggy feet. I swear to you, they waited for the light to go out and thought they'd play. Once again, with my ire on the rise, I climb out of my comfy bed with my achey body and go to the door where they are sitting there waiting for me. Now they aren't just smirking they are giggling like they were so cute! I was NOT HAPPY! My books nor my teacher voice worked to contain these little hellions.

Took them to the room for the second time and added 2 two liter bottles to the mix. Now I had her! In my toughest teacher voice, reserved only for the most dire cases, I gave her the whatfor. Ringo appeared to be shaking in his fur but Bonnini just looked at me with this "Bring it on" look. I grabbed a third 2 liter bottle and added it to the mix. Dusting off my hands I headed to my comfy zone only this time I chose not to look back. You know those looks your kids give you that just send you into orbit? I figured that was what she was doing and it would be better for us both if I took the high road and just kept going.

Finally, my weary body is in bed and my eyes are shut and I am almost asleep, you know that special place you go to right before you start with the REMs? Yeah, that's where I was. Clickclack. Clickclack. Clickclack. No telling how long this went on because I had my earplugs in but finally the noise made it into my special place. I'd like to say I popped out of bed but I told you I was achey so I actually creaked out of bad just as mad as I could be. I opened that door and there she was sitting right outside my door staring at me and belly laughing, I tell you, she was basically rolling on the floor. Mind you, Ringo was smart enough to stay in this time. That was the LAST STRAW! I scooped her up, took her through the kitchen, and tossed her (said for effect, I just simply placed her with a tiny bit of frustration) into the laundry room and shut the door. "Take that you mongrel! Who's laughing now?" And I stomped (well, a quiet stomp cause it was like 2 a.m. and the rest of the house was sleeping) back to my room and went to sleep.

Third time's a charm. (I am the champion, my friend, and I'll keep on trying til the end [channeling Queen])

For the last two weeks she left the gate alone. She was waiting for me to let down my guard. I'd reached the point where I just put the box of books and forgot about the 2 liters. Last night she escaped twice but the second time I spanked her heinie and reminded her of the Laundry room. She stayed put, atleast until the morning when she needed to go potty. Atleast she made it through the night!

"He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him." Prov. 13:24

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