Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Silly Man

So I'm sitting here almost asleep watching, sort of, a tv show. (My purse and cell phone are in the other room with my hubby.)

Hubby: "Your phone's ringing!"

Me: "I'll call them back later."

Hubby: "It might be important."

Me: "It's probably a wrong number."

Hubby: "But what if it's important?"

Me: heavy sigh as I get up to answer my phone. By the time I get there it is no longer ringing. ?Suddenly it starts ringing again. I check the name and what do I see? Wait for it. . . .


Me: Laughing. "What are you doing? I thought you said it could be important. I got up from my comfy position and you're calling me from the next room?."

Hubby: "But it is important. We want a cake." He says with a smile."

So what do i do? Head to the kitchen and make brownies (I didn't have a cake mix.)

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